joi, 10 mai 2012

Multumesc Universitatea Cuza

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Oare cum sa incep? Pai ziua am inceput-o destul de apatic, fara chef si a continuat asa pana pe la ora 14:00 cand aveam un examen de dat in corpul G al Universitatii Cuza, insa inainte de examen am zis sa ma alimentez si eu un pic mancand un sandvis.Si cum stateam eu asa pe langa Corpul G, vad ceva ce-mi starneste curiozitatea, o esarfa care parea ca invelste cineva, si cine ma cunoaste stie ca sunt o persoana destul de curioasa, dar pana acum nu am patit nimic grav din cauza acesteia.Am dat sa fac un pas spre locul unde se afla acea esarfa, cand calc pe un canal si hop, am intrat in el.Ceea ce a fost inselator e ca acel capac era pus deasura si parea sa fie destul de stabil, insa cum am calcat un pic pe marginea capacului, gravitatia si-a facut efectul.M-am ales cu vanatai si contuzii(dupa cum a spus doctorul de la UPU) plus pastile care trebuie luate care cica nu fac asa de bine la stomac.In fine, ideea e ca Universitatea presupun ca stie de acel canal rautacios si totusi nu a ales sa faca nimic ca deh, SE VEDE!!, si eu l-am vazut insa capacul arata destul de bine pus insa, Doamne, ce m-am inselat.Daca traiam prin State, puteam da in judecata Universitatea si zic eu aveam castig de cauza, adica in State, au avut loc procese si de la motive mult, MULT mai putin rezonabile, cum ar fi o femeie care a pus mana pe o cafea fierbinte si care a avut castig de cauza pentru ca pe cafea,adica pahar, nu scria fierbinte.Nici langa acel canal nu scria "Aveti grija", "Atentie", "Pericol", absolut nimic.Insa, Universitatea poate lasa grijile deoparte, nu dau in judecata pe nimeni, oricum din cate am inteles nu am fost singurul care a patit-o si ce rost are sa-mi pun toata Universitatea in cap, nu de alta, dar raman in facultatea aia pana se inscriu si nepotii mei si-si rup gatul prin canale neamenajate.A, si tot multumita Universitatii Cuza, a trebuit sa pierd si vreo 3 ore pe la Spiridon sa ma vada un ortoped pentru o consultatie care nu a durat mai mult de 5-10 minute.

Multumesc Universitatea Cuza mai specific facultatea de Litere pentru bucuriile pe care mi le oferiti zi de zi.(Posibila prezenta sarcasmului).
P.S. Va atasez si 2 poze cu una din contuzii si gura de canal.

duminică, 6 mai 2012


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What is life?
Well I imagine life something like this. There is a big white room with no walls in sight and a big brick wall going from one side to another with no limitations, wall of great heights. And all you do is push that wall hoping that you might break it or make a hole, because behind that wall are your hopes and your dreams, your happiness, and it’s not like you can jump over or try and go around it, all you can do is push. The sad thing is that others try their whole life to even make a dent and do not succeed, while others manage to make a small hole and see through the other side, but still cannot reach what is behind the wall. Some people, do not know how, do not know why, or maybe I do and I just don’t want to admit it, somehow break that wall, and those are the people who will come and whisper into your ear to keep pushing on, to keep trying , the end of it is in sight, that you will succeed, people like family, friends, some you don’t even know, your girl and so on, the thing is that each wall differs, one wall can be tougher than another, and yet they still feel entitled to give you advice, because they either keep pushing their walls blindly or because they had help and yet think you can do it on your own. Others thrived by having certain skills and qualities ,virtues maybe, some maybe had other people break their walls, because for the human kind, using people isn’t a brand new  notion and it does happen.
And you push that wall, and you push, and you push, and from time to time, bits and pieces might arise behind that wall just to keep you going, just to give a very small idea what can lie behind it just to keep you pushing, but in the end most of us DIE and leave our frustrations and limitations to the younger generation, so they can keep pushing the same wall with maybe the same results, with no end in sight.

The question is: Do I keep pushing?